Stats & Memberships Report: April 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

We all have been out of the pool and at home for a few weeks, already going into the month of May. The Interwebs have become “the place” to be, although our numbers for April don’t reflect that effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast

This swimming Podcast is bringing you the latest interviews from Australia’s best swimmers, past, present and future as well as coaches. Off The Blocks is informative, entertaining and thought provoking.

Stats & Memberships Report: March 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Home Office is providing us with more time during this “pandemic break” from the pool to publish all those late monthly reports and work out details on projects that have been “put off” for far too long.

Stats & Memberships Report: February 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

The days and weeks have gone by fast and with this quick update for the second month of 2020, we will do our best to stay on pace for the rest of the year. Not much activity other than our monthly “Top 5” to report.

Stats & Memberships Report: January 2020

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Happy New Year! After the first month of 2020, the indicators in our analytics systems were showing a positive trend again and we are preparing to make this year the best year yet for the ProSwimWorkouts platform.

Best Workouts and Resources of 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Another year has been and gone, and we’d like to toast to your wins in 2019, whether they were great or small. To close out 2019, let’s take a glance back at the numbers for the ProSwimWorkouts platform.

Stats & Memberships Report: December 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

Closing the year with another delayed monthly report confirming an overall “downwards” trend for our platform in 2019. We seem to attract more new visitors while having a hard time to bring people back.

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Stats & Memberships Report: November 2019

ProSwimWorkouts - Professional Swimming Workouts

“Home Office” has become an unfortunate reality for (swim) coaches around the globe. Many of you are most likely as busy as before while providing your athletes with ways to keep “training” and “minimize” the impact of this sudden break.

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