Oct 2, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

An overall aerobic and speed focused Monday for the team in Biel. The morning session included shorter sprints and short axis stroke work while in the evening, we incorporated dive efforts and fins for the fast sets.

Sep 30, 2023 – Swim Team Biel-Bienne

Swim Team Biel-Bienne

The team in Biel was finishing this week with a speed focused Saturday morning session. This was my official “last” workout with the squad as I was handing over the reigns to their new Head Coach the following Monday.

Feb 7, 2024 – Messer Aquatic Performance

Nicolas Messer

Back to the pool this Wednesday after a few busy days that kept me out of the water. Decided to work off short blocks of 100’s mixing low-end aerobic freestyle & backstroke and sets of 25’s alternating sculling & underwater kicking.