Stats & Memberships Report: January 2022

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

January flew by in the blink of an eye! We are excited to finally tell you about our partnership with Streamline Teams and provide the usual updates on all activities on the platform.

Best Workouts and Resources of 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

Year two of the global pandemic wasn’t much less of a challenge and not as much of a return to normalcy as we were hoping to experience. This past year also impressively highlighted how hard it’s to imagine that any profession is more important and has had as significant of an impact on other people than the coaching profession!

Streamlining Workout Composition

Streamlining Workout Composition

One component that isn’t talked about a great deal – perhaps ever – is how to incorporate workouts from other coaches into your plan and your style as a coach. We all love seeing the latest and greatest from the top coaches – the technique, the lingo, the new drills and sets – it’s exciting and infuses our workouts with excitement.

Stats & Memberships Report: December 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

December is the month where we look back on everything that has happened on the platform and prepare to wrap up the year. For the swimming community, the last month of the year will provide opportunities to spend a few days away from the pool with family and loved ones before indulging into the traditional holiday training.

The Importance of Language

The Importance of Language

I believe we have all relearned during this pandemic that communication is a crucial, if not the most important part in our profession working with athletes.

Stats & Memberships Report: November 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

November was an exciting month for quite a few swim teams around the globe with the end of short course season championship meets taking place again after cancellations due to the pandemic last year.

Stats & Memberships Report: October 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

October also widely known as “Rocktober” in the swimming community is traditionally a month of hard work in the pool. In Solothurn, we were also running our home-based training camp and the activity on the PSW platform was “roaring” again.

Coach Bud Needs Your Help

Coach Bud Needs Your Help

Coach Bud McAllister has spanned the world of swimming with his legendary posts around the world, including stops in Mission Viejo, Swim Canada and British Swimming.

Stats & Memberships Report: September 2021

ProSwimWorkouts - The Trusted Source For Swim Coaching Professionals

September was back to the pool after the summer break and slowly ramping up training again to prepare for the first short course meets of the new season while hoping for less impact to the competition calendar due to the ongoing pandemic.