Best Workouts and Resources of 2022

In 2022 our platform and “network” entered its 10 year in existence and we were excited to continue this journey of learning and sharing. Announcing our partnership with Streamline Teams was the perfect way to kick off the new year!

We had quite the ideas (aka plans) for our platform and the PSW “brand” with this 10 year anniversary. Despite not executing on most of those, we were able to continue to implement small changes and improvements laying the groundwork for the next decade.

Best Workouts and Resources of 2022

Throughout 2022, we published 249 new workouts, attracted 407 listeners (downloads) to our Podcasts, and registered 249 views of our videos across the different platforms (PSW, Vimeo, or YouTube).

Pageviews increased for the second year in a row – this time by a more significant margin of over 25% to sit just below 100k with a total of 98’740 over the last 12 months. With these numbers, we are still far from our best performing year in 2018. However, following the big drop during the pandemic in 2020, we look to be back on track to steadily growing our community again as we saw an increase in active users (visitors) by over 25% as well during this past year. It will most likely also be the last year to really draw a direct comparison of our analytics data as Google has decided to move to a new way of measuring web performance.

In an ongoing effort for transparency, we included details about revenue generated on the platform in our monthly reports starting in October – and of course, we want to recap the numbers for this past year in our Year in Review. The income from our different premium membership options totaled 2’589.60 USD and our expenses (different transaction fees, contributor payouts, and donations) equaled 1’250.36 USD. Meaning we saw a net income of 1’339.24 USD in 2022 providing funds for support of the swimming community in 2023.

Thank you for being an integral part of our community – we are incredibly proud to have served you this past year!

The following sixteen workouts & resources by our Contributors have been most popular during the year – which ones were your favorite?

Top 16

Find all workouts and resources in our archives.

Top Podcasts

– PSW Podcast – Episode 2 – Richard Sleight
– PSW Podcast – Episode 1 – Barry Prime
– The Swim Brief – Nico Turns the Tables

Listen to more episodes in our archives.

Top Videos

Watch more videos in our archives.

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