Home Office is providing us with more time during this “pandemic break” from the pool to publish all those late monthly reports and work out details on projects that have been “put off” for far too long.
Although, we were hoping to see our numbers slowly increase again, especially now that a lot of things have moved online, we realize that the immediate need for the “nuts & bolts” of pool based workouts has significantly changed. With that said, we also decided not to add to all the “dry side” content that is already being put out on the internet at light speed these days and focus on what we have done since the start of the platform.
Of course, there are some dryland resources in our workout archives that are part of some of the contributions. Below we link to some of these resources as well as other places that provide great information.
- Dryland Training School at ASCA World Clinic 2012
- Cabrini Swimming Off Season Dryland Circuit
- Keeping Fit & Healthy During Covid-19 – Swim Ireland (external link)
- Staying fit in a pandemic by Patrick McHugh – HMMR Media (external link)
- Home Workout Series by GAIN Swimming on Instagram (external link)
- Swimming Specific Yoga by Jeff Grace – Free Online Classes (external link)

And as mentioned in previous reports and above, we have used this “extra time” to dig back into some of the projects that were put on a “back burner”. So we are happy to let you know about the start of a partnership with Coach Robby Cox who’s hosting the “Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast“. More details on this are to follow but in a first step, we were able to provide Robby with some monetary support for upgrades to his “studio”.
Top 5
These five workouts have been most popular during the month of March.
Which one was your favorite?
- Dec 9, 2019 – Bergensvømmerne
- Jul 5, 2018 – SC Kreuzlingen
- Jan 3, 2020 – Bergensvømmerne
- Jul 7, 2018 – SC Kreuzlingen
- Jul 6, 2018 – SC Kreuzlingen
Find all workouts and resources in our archives.
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